
Follow up on Nigeria’s Commitment to COP21 – The Implementation of NDC

It is almost two years since the international community adopted the historic climate deal at the 21st conference of parties (COP21) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The primary goal of the Paris Agreement is to strengthen the global response to the ensuing threats of climate change by taking measures to

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Re-cap: One Environment Hybrid + EU Climate Diplomacy Week

From the Monday the 3rd of July to the 8th of July, an Environment festival took place in the city of Abuja. The festival is an advocacy push to protect our precious environment presented through art exhibitions, workshops, seminars, presentations and film screenings by notable speakers and organizations. Much of the events of the festival

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Deliberations of the Panel Discussion on Sustainability in Architecture in Nigeria

The built environment is responsible for the largest consumption of energy produced in the world. They have a corresponding largest global greenhouse gas emission by sector, 40% according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). How does this all affect us and the environment? Negative impacts of climate change have positioned many people in danger.

Deliberations of the Panel Discussion on Sustainability in Architecture in Nigeria Read More »

Noise in Nigerian Cities: Health Effects and Solutions

Noise is a major characteristic of cities especially in the developing world. Nigeria is not an exception.  Major cities like Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt, Aba and Onitsha have played important roles in the development of Nigeria’s economy and generated a lot of noise in the process. People get exposed to potentially harmful noise in two

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The Negative impacts of Speeding – Environmental Perspective

Whenever we think of speeding, the first thing that usually comes to our mind is traffic accident. This is not surprising because the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) once reported speeding as the contributing factor to 50% of road accidents in Nigeria. The country is ranked as the second in the world in terms of

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Why Environmental Education Should be Taken Every Where; Both Rural and Urban Areas

A lot goes on in many corners of Nigeria, environment wise.  Many people are unaware of the consequence of their actions on the environment. Two of the most common environmental atrocities being indulged in are cutting down trees and bush burning. Trees in bushes are cut down mercilessly to make ends meet. From a little beginning

Why Environmental Education Should be Taken Every Where; Both Rural and Urban Areas Read More »

#GoGreen2017: Some bad environmental practices to leave behind in 2016

What are your resolutions for 2017? For me, the previous year was one I dropped many practices that affect the natural functionality of the ecosystem and joined a campaign to raise the pitch on how only sustainable practices can guarantee our collective future and how so many practices we called ‘normal’ before are harming the environment. This year, I have pledged to do much more than I did in 2016.

#GoGreen2017: Some bad environmental practices to leave behind in 2016 Read More »