

CAUSES OF DESERTIFICATION Desertification is the degradation of a fertile land into a desert by losing its flora and fauna. The official definition by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) that has been widely used since it’s formulation in 1994 is that “desertification is land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas […]

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In Search of a Reliable and Cost-effective Power Source: A case study of GHI Office

Nigeria’s electricity generation has worsened over the years leaving the majority of the people with no consistent power supply. According to the Minister of Power, Abubakar Aliyu, the reasons behind the recent poor power supply are the low hydro capacity during the dry season (due to regional changes in rainfall and water availability) and ongoing

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Green Spaces and Their Environmental Significance

A green space, also known as an open space, is any open piece of land that is undeveloped (has no buildings or other built structures) and is accessible to the public. It is an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes in an otherwise urban environment. Green spaces

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Re-cap: One Environment Hybrid + EU Climate Diplomacy Week

From the Monday the 3rd of July to the 8th of July, an Environment festival took place in the city of Abuja. The festival is an advocacy push to protect our precious environment presented through art exhibitions, workshops, seminars, presentations and film screenings by notable speakers and organizations. Much of the events of the festival

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Deliberations of the Panel Discussion on Sustainability in Architecture in Nigeria

The built environment is responsible for the largest consumption of energy produced in the world. They have a corresponding largest global greenhouse gas emission by sector, 40% according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). How does this all affect us and the environment? Negative impacts of climate change have positioned many people in danger.

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Urbanization and Rise of slums: An Imbalance Between Urban Growth and Urban Development

The prevalence of slums and shanties, a.k.a. ghettoes is a consequence of development where urban growth does not match urban development. It is a classical case of non-enforcement of regulations guiding urban development. In many urban cities in Nigeria, people of similar social classes are found living in the same neighborhood. The rich and powerful

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Noise in Nigerian Cities: Health Effects and Solutions

Noise is a major characteristic of cities especially in the developing world. Nigeria is not an exception.  Major cities like Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt, Aba and Onitsha have played important roles in the development of Nigeria’s economy and generated a lot of noise in the process. People get exposed to potentially harmful noise in two

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#GoGreen2017: Some bad environmental practices to leave behind in 2016

What are your resolutions for 2017? For me, the previous year was one I dropped many practices that affect the natural functionality of the ecosystem and joined a campaign to raise the pitch on how only sustainable practices can guarantee our collective future and how so many practices we called ‘normal’ before are harming the environment. This year, I have pledged to do much more than I did in 2016.

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